Sunday, June 13, 2021

Find an installed application/driver versions on multiple Windows Servers Via PowerShell Script.


This article explaining the steps to collect installed driver/application version from multiple Windows servers via PowerShell.


1. Create a folder as "c:\scripts" in any of the server in network. 

2. Create a txt file called "c:\scripts\serverlist.txt" and list all server hostname FQDN as below


3. Create a PowerShell script file "c:\scripts\Appversioncheck.ps1" and copy below texts.


$serverlist = @(get-content -Path "c:\scripts\serverlist.txt") 

foreach ($server in $serverlist)


$virtioinfo = Get-WMIObject -computername $server -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product Where name Like '%Google Chrome%'" | select Name, Version 

$virtioversion = $virtioinfo.version 

write-host "$server,$virtioversion"

Note: Edit the application name as per your need.

4. Run this PowerShell script, it will give output with hostname and its application version.

Adobe Reader DC: An error Occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Extended Language Support Package.


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