Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Unable to Export OVF from ESXi Host 6.7, Getting error "This file couldn't be downloaded".


"This file couldn't be downloaded" error on VMDK file download during OVF export from ESXi 6.7.

Common error "This file couldn't be downloaded"
Error from chrome - "Failed Network error"
Error from Internet Explorer: "The disk0.vmdk download was interrupted"

This file couldn't be downloaded Error On OVF Export

Workaround Solution:

Try to export OVF from "Mozilla Firefox".
Ovf will export without any error.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Unable to Set time zone in Windows Server 2019 OS, Getting error "Unable to continue"


Unable to set time zone or change time zone in Windows server 2019 OS with "Date and Time" option in control panel. It gives error "Unable to Continue"

Workaround Solution:

1. Open command prompt with "Run as Administrator"
2. Execute command "tzutil /l" to see the list of available time zones.
    Take note of required time zone name. Example: "Arabian Standard Time"

3. Execute Command "tzutil /s "Arabian Standard Time"

Time zone has been successfully changed.